Foodex Trading Co

Bringing the world's flavors to your doorstep

Foodex Ginger Powder

Our Ginger Powder is made of only one ingredient with numerous benefits, full with vitamin B3, calcium, iron, and other minerals, making this a spice you should definitely include in your diet. It's perfect for cooking! Added this spice to your favorite dishes will make them taste delicious and good. Due to its spicy, zesty taste, this dressing is perfect for salad dressings, baked goods, marinades, and beverages as well. Besides seasoning meats, it can be used for spicing foods and beverages. As a digestive aid, ginger accelerates the process of emptying the stomach. Immunity is improved, nausea is relieved, and an upset stomach is eased. Cancer may be cured with it, and pain may be reduced. It makes your skin healthier and helps you lose weight.


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