Foodex Trading Co

Bringing the world's flavors to your doorstep

Foodex Turmeric Powder

Many Asian dishes contain turmeric, which imparts a pungent, earthy aroma and a pungent, slightly bitter flavor. Dressings or vegetables can be sprinkled with it. You can rub it on meat and add it to curries and soups. In addition to coffee and tea, it is suitable for smoothies, baked goods, and pairs well with cayenne pepper, cinnamon powder, ginger powder, and maca powder. Several scientific studies have shown that turmeric, particularly curcumin, benefits the heart and can prevent cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Besides its anti-inflammatory properties, it's also an antioxidant. Depression and arthritis symptoms may also be improved by it. We offer raw, pure, all-natural turmeric powder that fits into any lifestyle.


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