Foodex Trading Co

Bringing the world's flavors to your doorstep

Foodex Tomato Paste

Using concentrated tomato juice, Foodex tomato paste is a completely organic and healthy product. In contrast to many other brands, Foodex tomato paste contains no additives, making it a smart choice for those who want to maintain proper health and avoid carcinogens and additives. It is interesting to note that Foodex tomato paste contains no artificial color, and the color you see comes from the selection of high-quality tomatoes. As a result, it has a very special taste and aroma, as well as a very high nutritional value. Since it is simply the essence of tomatoes concentrated, it has a similar nutritional value to fresh tomatoes. Three to six percent of your recommended daily value of iron, potassium, and B vitamins can be found in a tablespoon of tomato paste, as well as a rich source of antioxidants. In addition to imparting an intense flavor to dishes, tomato paste also has a naturally umami flavor. There are a variety of dishes that can be prepared with tomato paste, including pasta sauces, soups, and braised meats.


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