Foodex Trading Co

Bringing the world's flavors to your doorstep

Foodex Date Syrup

Date syrup from Foodex is made from Iranian dates that are washed, sorted, and organic. There's a hint of pickle in its flavor, and it's pretty sweet. Among its benefits are: It is rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B. It strengthens the immune system, regulates cholesterol and sugar levels, boosts energy, helps control weight gain, improves blood circulation, reduces constipation, prevents heart problems, keeps iron levels high for pregnant women and keeps the heart strong. In terms of laxatives, this is a widely accepted option. Foodex date syrup is used as a natural sweetener in the beverage industry. The flavor is natural and delicious and can be used in drinks, baby foods, puffed foods, baked foods, ice creams, dairy shakes, etc. Suitable for daily soft drinks, candy fillings, desserts, breakfast cereals, and yogurt flavorings. Whether you're making waffles, pancakes, French toast, or oatmeal with it, you'll love it. For a hint of sweetness, you can add it to smoothies, shakes, or coffee.


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